Complete Guide to Build IOT Things from Scratch to Market


Build IOT products using Arduino, NodeMCU,ESP8266, IOT Platforms, Sensors, Displays, Keypads,Relays, PCB's,Casing & more

Acquired Skills

1. Learn how to Independently Design, Code and Build IOT products.

2. Learn to work with Micro controllers (Arduino Uno, Nano, NodeMCU), Sensors , Relays, Displays, Keypads, work with main (220/110) and more

3. Learn to code using Arduino IDE from basics

4. Learn how to use Ethernet and Wifi shields

5. Learn how to connect to cloud IOT Platforms, Persist Data, Program Triggers and more

6. Build 3 IOT products in the course

Target Group

From 15 years old 


It will help if you have some background in electronics and know basic coding principles


Build IOT products using Arduino, NodeMCU,ESP8266, IOT Platforms, Sensors, Displays, Keypads,Relays, PCB's,Casing & more

Course Duration/Hours

50 Hour

Course Category

Internet Of Things